Released: March 19, 2025 - Wednesday, 03:40 PM
A group of Romanian nationals have been working this scam throughout California and recently showed up in San Luis Obispo County.
Here's how the scam works: A scammer pretends to be a buyer and contacts a seller on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. They arrange to inspect, and test drive the vehicle. Often, the scammer will bring along 2-3 others posing as friends or mechanics. While one person distracts the seller, another secretly pours oil on the engine. During the test drive, the engine starts smoking, making it seem like the car has a serious problem. The scammer then offers a very low price, hoping the seller, now worried about expensive repairs, will agree to sell the car for far less than its actual value.
On 1-18-2025, a seller in Atascadero fell victim to this scam and accepted an offer that was far below the asking price. The suspects attempted the scam in Los Osos and Nipomo that same day as well.
On 3-10-2025, a seller in Los Osos fell victim to this scam and accepted an offer that was far below asking price.
The same scam was attempted the next day in Atascadero.
If you think you may have been a victim of this scam, you are urged to contact the Sheriff's Detective Division at 805-781-4500.
Here are some tips to avoid falling victim to this scam:
1. Meet potential buyers in a public area, such as a grocery store parking lot.
2. Don’t go alone. Have a friend or family member with you during the meeting.
3. Do not leave the potential buyer alone with your vehicle (this includes the test drive)
4. If a mechanical issue is suspected, do not succumb to the pressure to drastically reduce the price until you have the vehicle inspected by a trusted mechanic.
5. Be wary of significant “lowball” offers.
Auto Scam
Contact: Tony CipollaPhone: (805) 781-4547Date and time of incident: Recent IncidentsPlace of Occurrence: San Luis Obispo CountyVictim Information: N/ASuspect Information: N/AThe Sheriff's Office is warning of an auto scam that has occurred several times over the last couple months.A group of Romanian nationals have been working this scam throughout California and recently showed up in San Luis Obispo County.
Here's how the scam works: A scammer pretends to be a buyer and contacts a seller on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. They arrange to inspect, and test drive the vehicle. Often, the scammer will bring along 2-3 others posing as friends or mechanics. While one person distracts the seller, another secretly pours oil on the engine. During the test drive, the engine starts smoking, making it seem like the car has a serious problem. The scammer then offers a very low price, hoping the seller, now worried about expensive repairs, will agree to sell the car for far less than its actual value.
On 1-18-2025, a seller in Atascadero fell victim to this scam and accepted an offer that was far below the asking price. The suspects attempted the scam in Los Osos and Nipomo that same day as well.
On 3-10-2025, a seller in Los Osos fell victim to this scam and accepted an offer that was far below asking price.
The same scam was attempted the next day in Atascadero.
If you think you may have been a victim of this scam, you are urged to contact the Sheriff's Detective Division at 805-781-4500.
Here are some tips to avoid falling victim to this scam:
1. Meet potential buyers in a public area, such as a grocery store parking lot.
2. Don’t go alone. Have a friend or family member with you during the meeting.
3. Do not leave the potential buyer alone with your vehicle (this includes the test drive)
4. If a mechanical issue is suspected, do not succumb to the pressure to drastically reduce the price until you have the vehicle inspected by a trusted mechanic.
5. Be wary of significant “lowball” offers.