
Released: March 23, 2012 - Friday, 12:20 PM

Change of PIO Duty Officer from 03/24/12, 0800 hrs. through 03/30/12, 1700 hrs.

Contact: Sheriff's Watch CommanderPhone: (805) 781-4553Date and time of incident: N/APlace of Occurrence: N/AVictim Information: N/ASuspect Information: N/APlease be advised that Commander Aaron Nix will be out of the office from 03/24/12, 0800 hours until 03/30/12 at 1700 hours. In his absence Chief Deputy Rob Reid will serve as the Sheriff's Office point of contact for all press-related matters. He can be reached by contacting the Sheriff's Watch Commander, who will make arrangements for Chief Reid to return your call. You may also e-mail Chief Reid during normal business hours at [email protected].