
Released: December 21, 2023 - Thursday, 02:35 PM


Contact: Tony CipollaPhone: (805) 781-4547Date and time of incident: 12-20-2023, Approximately 12:30 PMPlace of Occurrence: 2700 block of Calf Canyon Highway, CrestonVictim Information: Maria Quesada, 40, CrestonSuspect Information: Arturo Quesada, 60, CrestonOn 12-20-2023, Sheriff's Dispatch received a 911 call from a female who was involved in a family disturbance with another male family member at a home in the 2700 block of Calf Canyon Highway in Creston. Sheriff's Dispatch heard what was suspected to be gun shots in the background during the 911 call.
Deputies were immediately dispatched to the location and upon arrival, Deputies located a deceased female and deceased male inside the residence.
Sheriff's Detectives began an immediate investigation. It was determined the disturbance was between a stepdaughter, Maria Quesada and her stepfather, Arturo Quesada who were both residing at that location. At this time, it is believed this is a murder-suicide where Arturo shot and killed Maria and then killed himself.
This is an isolated incident with no threat to the public.
The investigation is ongoing.