
Released: January 30, 2025 - Thursday, 12:52 AM

Deputy Involved Shooting

Contact: Tony CipollaPhone: (805) 781-4547Date and time of incident: 1-29-2025Place of Occurrence: 1200 Block South Main Street, TempletonVictim Information: N/ASuspect Information: Male, 37On 1-29-2025, Sheriff's Deputies responded to a report of shots heard in the area of Templeton High School in the 1200 block of South Main Street in Templeton.
When the first patrol unit arrived on scene, the suspect fired shots hitting the unit multiple times. The Deputies in that unit were not injured.
A second patrol unit was following closely behind the first and a Deputy in that unit engaged with suspect. The suspect was struck by gunfire. Deputies then administered medical aid to the suspect before he could be transported to a local hospital. The suspect is currently in stable condition. No Deputies in the second unit were injured.
The Sheriff's Major Crimes Unit is conducting the investigation into this incident. The investigation is ongoing. And there is no further danger to the public.
As a result of the investigation, the south end of Main Street in Templeton past the high school is closed to traffic.
The incident is not believed to be connected to the high school. Templeton High School will be notified in the morning about the road closure. However it should not hinder traffic going to the high school.
No further information is available at this time.