
Released: June 3, 2015 - Wednesday, 01:39 PM

Reported Child Abuse Update

Contact: Tony CipollaPhone: (805) 781 4547Date and time of incident: May 17-24, 2015Place of Occurrence: LEAD Boot Camp at Camp San Luis ObispoVictim Information: N/ASuspect Information: N/AThe Sheriff's Office would like to clarify the interview process it conducted during its investigation of child abuse allegations at the LEAD boot camp put on by the Huntington Park and South Gate Police Departments. This is in response to statements that were made questioning that process and suggesting that the officers alleged to be involved in that incident were present when the recruit interviews were being conducted.
On 5-31-15, Sheriff's Office investigators were in Southern California to conduct an initial screening of the 39 recruits who attended the boot camp. This was done to identify victims and witnesses in this case so that follow up interviews could be conducted.
On 6-1-15 and 6-2-15, Sheriff's Detectives conducted in-depth interviews with seven of the identified victims. This was done at a secure, off-site location to insure confidentiality.
The Sheriff's Office wants to make clear, at no time during the initial screening or the subsequent interviews, were the officers alleged to be involved in this incident present at those locations.