
Released: January 29, 2020 - Wednesday, 01:56 PM

Smart Investigation Case Update

Contact: Tony CipollaPhone: (805) 781-4547Date and time of incident: 1-29-20Place of Occurrence: N/AVictim Information: N/ASuspect Information: N/AIn response to the large number of recent public inquiries, the Sheriff’s Office is releasing the following information in the Kristin Smart investigation. The Sheriff’s Detective Division has a team of investigators and forensic specialists who are actively working on the Kristin Smart case. Since 2011 this work has included:

• The service of 18 search warrants
• Conducting physical evidence searches at nine separate locations
• A complete re-examination of every item of physical evidence seized by all agencies involved in this case
• Submission of 37 evidence items from the early days of the case for modern DNA testing
• Recovery of 140 new items of evidence
• Conducting 91 person to person interviews
• The writing of 364 supplemental reports

Altogether the Sheriff’s Office has spent approximately $62,000 in investigative expenses including, but not limited to, DNA forensic testing. Additionally, the Sheriff’s Office has invested more than 7,500 employee hours since 2011 when Sheriff Parkinson took office.
Although it is generally not our practice to comment on items of evidence in active investigations, in this specific case we can confirm that the Sheriff’s Office currently holds two trucks in evidence that belonged to Flores family members in 1996.
The Sheriff’s Office will not be commenting any further and no additional information will be released at this time.