Released: September 18, 2019 - Wednesday, 04:43 PM
We have received numerous calls inquiring if this is available to the general public. At the present time, the Sheriff's Office is offering SmartWater CSI to members of the farming and ranching communities in the County. However, the Sheriff's Office has made a special arrangement with the company which allows members of the general public in San Luis Obispo County to use our promo code if they would like to order their own SmartWater CSI kit for their personal use at a reduced cost of less than 60 dollars.
The promo code is RB1617.
The website to enter the promo code is
Agriculture Anti-Theft Tool Update
Contact: Tony CipollaPhone: (805) 781-4547Date and time of incident: 9-18-19Place of Occurrence: N/AVictim Information: N/ASuspect Information: N/AThe Sheriff's Office has received an overwhelming positive response since its announcement on 9-17-19 regarding its new crime-fighting tool designed to reduce agriculture thefts. The Sheriff's Office is partnering with a company called SmartWater CSI which makes a liquid product that's applied to farm and ranch equipment to protect against theft.We have received numerous calls inquiring if this is available to the general public. At the present time, the Sheriff's Office is offering SmartWater CSI to members of the farming and ranching communities in the County. However, the Sheriff's Office has made a special arrangement with the company which allows members of the general public in San Luis Obispo County to use our promo code if they would like to order their own SmartWater CSI kit for their personal use at a reduced cost of less than 60 dollars.
The promo code is RB1617.
The website to enter the promo code is