
Released: January 15, 2019 - Tuesday, 03:18 PM

Bicycle Donation to Butte County

Contact: Grace NorrisPhone: (805) 781-4483Date and time of incident: 1-12-19 Approximately 12:30 PMPlace of Occurrence: Butte CountyVictim Information: N/ASuspect Information: N/AOn Saturday 1-12-19, the Sheriff's Office made a donation of 125 bicycles to Butte County. Correctional staff working at the Sheriff's Office Honor Farm delivered these bicycles to the Butte County Sheriff's Office, where they will be distributed to families who lost their homes in the Camp Fire late last year.
During this year's Sheriff's Office Honor Farm Bicycle Giveaway, Correctional Deputy Proett who works with the Bicycle Program, recognized that there were going to be extra bicycles available. He requested that the remaining bicycles leftover be donated to the victims of the Butte County’s Camp Fire. The Sheriff's Office saw this as an opportunity to give back to Butte County after the devastating destruction done by the fire. Correctional Sergeant Andrews and Correctional Deputy Martin delivered the bicycles on behalf of the Sheriff's Office. "We are deeply saddened by the loss of life and property in Butte County from the Camp Fire. Our hope is that this donation of bicycles brings some joy to families who lost their homes and possessions" shared Sheriff Ian Parkinson.
For those interested in donating bicycles or helmets to the Honor Farm Bicycle Program, donations are always being accepted and can be dropped off at any of the Sheriff's Office Patrol stations, or to the Sheriff's Honor Farm located at 880 Oklahoma Ave. in San Luis Obispo.