
Released: September 12, 2024 - Thursday, 04:56 PM

Cryptocurrency Scam

Contact: Tony CipollaPhone: (805) 781-4547Date and time of incident: 9-12-2022 Place of Occurrence: Los OsosVictim Information: N/ASuspect Information: N/AOn 9-12-2022, the Sheriff’s Office received a report of a financial scam involving victims in Los Osos.
The victims stated they were called by a man who said their family member had been arrested out of the area, so they needed to send money for bail and other expenses. The victims were then directed to several local cryptocurrency ATM machines where they deposited approximately $17,000 cash and sent photographs of the receipts to the scammer. The receipts contained information allowing the suspect to take control of the funds.
Detectives from the Sheriff’s Major Crimes Unit investigated the case and determined the victim’s funds were exchanged for the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, which allowed Detectives to trace the funds to a major cryptocurrency exchange.
On 9-10-2024, after a two year investigation, Detectives, in cooperation with the exchange, the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office and the San Luis Obispo County Superior Court were able make a partial recovery and return approximately $4,700 to the victims.
The Sheriff’s Office continues to investigate these types of crimes and wants to raise awareness of cryptocurrency related scams. If you receive something suspicious like a pop up on your computer saying you have been hacked or a phone call demanding money, contact the Sheriff's Office to speak with law enforcement so we can hopefully prevent any loss. Please inform your family and friends about this scam so they can be prepared in the event this happens to them.