
Released: September 10, 2014 - Wednesday, 02:21 PM

Sheriff's Family Day at the Ranch

Contact: Tony CipollaPhone: (805) 781 4547Date and time of incident: 9-13-14 10 AM - 4 PMPlace of Occurrence: Madonna Meadows, adjacent to Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo Victim Information: N/ASuspect Information: N/AThe San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Advisory Foundation is hosting its annual Sheriff's Family Day at the Ranch this Saturday, 9-13-14 from 10 AM to 4 PM.
The event will be held on the grounds of the Madonna Meadows in San Luis Obispo. There will be law enforcement and public safety demonstrations and displays including the Sheriff's K9 unit, Sheriff's Posse, County Bomb Task Force, SWAT Teams, Jaws of Life, CHP helicopter and many more. This event is free for the whole family.
Every child 12 and under gets a free hot dog and a healthy snack. Doc Burnstein's Ice Cream gift cards will be given to the first 250 kids. Plus, kids can get free T-shirts, wristbands, face painting, balloons and Sheriff's sticker badges.
The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Advisory Foundation is a non-profit, public benefit corporation formed to provide funding and additional support to the Sheriff's Office. For more information on Sheriff's Family Day at the Ranch contact Bryan DuVall at 805-358-3698.