
Released: August 9, 2018 - Thursday, 12:45 PM

Sheriff's Office Mobile Phone App

Contact: Tony CipollaPhone: (805) 781-4547Date and time of incident: 8-9-18Place of Occurrence: N/AVictim Information: N/ASuspect Information: N/AThe Sheriff's Office is pleased to announce the release of our new mobile phone app. This free app is now available to the public to download to their smart phones.
It contains many of the same features you can find on our website like inmate information, press releases, and all the different Sheriff's Office programs and how you can get involved.
It also has new features like our Most Wanted Wednesday segment where every Wednesday we feature a person wanted by the Sheriff's Office and a list of their crimes. The app also features push notifications and alerts. You will be able to receive updates on breaking news notifications like wildland fire evacuations or severe weather alerts directly to your phone.
And it's all in a convenient mobile app designed to provide improved communication with the citizens we serve by providing public safety news and information. It's just one more way you can stay connected to the Sheriff's Office.
You can get it on Google Play for Android phones or download it from the App Store for Apple products. Happy app-ing!