
Released: September 14, 2018 - Friday, 07:31 AM

Verizon 911 System Issue

Contact: Jason CaronPhone: (805) 781-4553Date and time of incident: 9/14/2018 at 12:14 AMPlace of Occurrence: San Luis Obispo County and other northern California jurisdictionsVictim Information: N/ASuspect Information: N/AOn 9/14/18, the Sheriff's Office was notified by Verizon of an unidentified issue with the 911 service for Verizon subscribers in San Luis Obispo County. At this time, Verizon is working to correct their issue. There is no estimate at this time as to when the issue will be resolved. The Sheriff's Office is recommending that Verizon customers, who need emergency assistance, call the Fire Department or their local law enforcement agency directly.
The Sheriff's Office has been able to forward Verizon 911 calls to the non-emergency business line. It is recommended that Verizon customers look up the phone numbers for their local first responder agencies until Verizon resolves the 911 issue for their customers. While Verizon 911 calls are down, text to 911 is still working.
The Sheriff's Office will continue to provide updates to this situation as available.